Functional Fitness
It’s Saturday and that means it’s time for our weekly Suck Fest. Grab a slightly heavier vest for the workout. Feel free to pick and choose what you want to work on today.
A. Strength
OHP 3x12 @ 70%
B. Saturday Suck Fest
For time (wearing 30/20# vest)
Run 1 mile
5 RFT:
3 rope climbs, 10 DB Manmakers (30/15), 15 box jumps, 20 DB front squats (30/15)
Run 1 mile
C. Strongman
Sled push 5x100' AHAP
D. Accessory
Bench 3x5 @ 75%
BB bicep curl 3x12
Ring dip 3x10
Weighted plank 3x60s
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman