
Screenshot at Nov 10 14-53-53.png

Functional Fitness


Taco Tuesday courtesy of 3rd Ranger Bn. For the interval work, we are looking for consistent efforts - you need to learn pacing to sustain efforts. Don’t go out too fast and hit the wall.

A/C/E mandatory. Choose B or D based on weaknesses and time.


A. Oly

SN 1x2@60%, 2x2@70%, 2x2 @ 80%, 2x2@85%

B. Interval

5 RFT, rest 2:00

15/12 cal AAB, 12 C2BPU, 9 DB hang squat clean thruster (50/35)

Consistent efforts - keep rounds within 15s

C. Accessory

Snatch grip Sotts press 3x8

Single arm landmine row 3x10 ea arm

Single leg RDL 3x10 ea leg

Strict T2B 3x10

D. Gymnastics

For time:30 ring MU

Every break, 50 DU

E. Work Capacity

Row 3x2k, rest 2:00

Consistent rounds - 5 seconds between rounds


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Cronus Fit