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Functional Fitness


Happy Monday. Hope everyone had a happy holiday. We’re back to the grind again. The only change is we’re re-starting our lifting mesocycle, so add 10 lbs to your training max and make it your new training max (so your training max is now MAX*.9+10 for the mathematically challenged).

A/C/E mandatory. Choose B or D based on weaknesses and time.


A. Strength

BS 1x5@ 65%, 1x5@75%, 1x5+@85%

B. Metcon

40-30-20-10 WB (30/20

)100 DU between sets


C. Accessory

Weighted pistol 3x8

Single leg KB RDL 3x10

BB Good morning 3x10

L-Sit pull-up 3x8

D. Gymnastics


10 min AMRAP

2 ring MU, 4 HSPU, 8 KBS (70/53)

E. Work Capacity

Row/ski 3x2, rest 2:30

Negative splits - drop by 2-4 seconds per 2K


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman