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Functional Fitness


Last day to cap off the beginning of a great week of training. Get after today’s training and enjoy the day off tomorrow.

A/B/C mandatory. Choose D or E based on weaknesses and time.


A. Strength

DL 1x5@ 65%, 1x5@75%, 1x5+@85%

B. Metcon


Run 400m, 21 sumo deadlift hi pull (115/75), 15 GHDSU, 9 bar facing burpees

C. Accessory

Weighted chin up 3x8

SA KB OHS 3x12 ea arm

GHD Back extension 3x10

Parallete L-sit hold 3x:20s

D. Gymnastics

10 min AMRAP

2-4-6-... C2BPU

30 DU between sets

E. Work Capacity

Row/ski 8x500m, rest 30s


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman