
Screenshot at Nov 05 22-07-25.png

Functional Fitness


“Visual tacos. Cleared for infil”

Logs of volume today. Make sure you’re getting after your weaknesses in this cycle. Only A/C/E are mandatory, but you need to get after the optional work as well. The capacity you build now will pay off in the future.

A/C/E mandatory. Choose B or D based on weaknesses and time.


A. Oly

SN 1x2@60%, 3x2@70%, 2x2 @ 80%, 1x2@85%

B. Interval

5x3 AMRAP, rest 1:00

12 DB DL (50/35), 9 DB HPC, 6 DB PJ, AMRAP cals on rower

C. Accessory

Band face pull 3x20

Tempo pull-up (3333), 3x4

Box jump (AHAP), 3x5

Handstand shoulder taps 3x10 ea arm

D. Gymnastics

12 EMOM, alternating

12 C2BPU, 50' handstand walk

E. Work Capacity

Row: 8x750m, rest 2:00


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Cronus Fit