Functional Fitness
Happy Saturday. Grab a buddy for today’s Suck Fest - the Cronus Fifty, a play on the classic Crossfit Filthy Fifty. Each person is responsible for 50 reps of the exercise, so come up with a good plan between you and your buddy to maximize the work time. If you don’t have a buddy, enjoy the workout on your own. On the sled pushes, we’re shooting for something AHAP, you should be struggling to push at a walking pace. If you’re able to push it at a jogging pace, go heavier.
A. Strength
OHP 1x5@ 75%, 1x3@85%, 1x1+@95%
B. Saturday Suck Fest
"Cronus 50" - with a partner.
Each partner is responsible for 50 reps (do a total of 100 as a team). Break/split as needed, but each partner must do 50 reps.
50 box jump over (30/24)
50 C2BPU
50 KB snatches (70/53)
50 BB backrack walking lunge (25 ea leg) (135/95)
50 shoulder to overhead (135/95)
50 deadlift (275/185)
50 WB (30/20)
50 bar facing burpees
50 cal AAB
C. Accessory
Bench 4x5 @ 80%
Floor press 3x8
BB curl 3x15
D. Strongman
Sled push 5x100’ AHAP
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman