
Screenshot at Dec 23 20-38-11.png

Functional Fitness


I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas and spent quality time with family. Get back into the training and get after the pieces today.

A/C/E mandatory. Choose B or D based on weaknesses and time.


A. Strength

DL 1x3@ 70%, 1x3@80%, 1x3+@90%

B. Metcon


12 Hang power clean (135/95)
12 Shoulder to overhead (135/95)
12 bar facing burpees

C. Accessory

BB RDL 3x10

Band glute bridge 3x20

Single arm landmine row 3x12

Weighted plank hold 3x60s

D. Gymnastics


Wearing 20/14 Vest

5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats

E. Work Capacity

AAB 8x25 cal, rest 2:00


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit