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Functional Fitness


Happy New Year’s eve, Crew. Welcome to our maxout week. Hopefully you’ve all seen some great gains this off season cycle after we’ve gone through our tempo, volume, and strength mesocycles. This week will be our test week in terms of strength. The focus will be on the strength work, so do the metcon work if you feel like it won’t affect your strength testing for the next day.

Only A mandatory. Choose B/C/D/E based on how you feel and anticipated performance.


A. Strength

BS - Work up to new max

B. Metcon

"New Years Eve"

For time (vest optional):

12 rounds

31 DU
31 air squats

Cashout: 2018m row or ski

C. Accessory

Bulgarian split squat 3x10 ea leg

Tabata hollow rock

Strict C2BPU 3x8

BB Good morning 3x10

D. Gymnastics


C2BPU, DB Snatch (70/50), Pistols (per leg)

E. Work Capacity

Row 8x500m, rest 30s


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman