Functional Fitness
Happy Saturday. In continuing the theme of Memorial Day Weekend, we are recognizing the sacrifices of our 1/75 brothers in arms. 1st Ranger Bn, headquartered in Savannah, Georgia has lost 17 Rangers in the GWOT. Read about their stories and learn about them here - http://rangersremembered.com/project-tag/175/. Today's Suck Fest is dedicated in honor of them.
A. Strength
Bench 1x3@ 70%, 1x3@80%, 1x3+@90%
B. Oly
PC+PJ 2+2@60%, 2+2@65%, 3+2@80%, 3x(2+2)@70%
C. Oly
3 position hang Snatch (hi hang, knees, low hang) 5x1 @ 75%
C. Saturday Suck Fest
1 RFT, with 20# vest
800m walking lunge, 75 sandbag box step over (50/35 sandbag, 24/20" box), 75 WB (20/14), 75 KBS (53/35), 75 burpees, 800m run
D. Accessory
DB Hammer curl 5x12
Farmer carry 5x50m AHAP
Close grip bench 5x12
Weighted plank holds 3x 60s