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Functional Fitness


Happy Saturday. Last deload day for you. Pretty long Suck Fest today, but fairly simple movements. Shoot for about an 80% effort on the suck fest. It's more so to get the blood flowing and to breathe heavy than anything else. Get ready for the upcoming cycle.


A. Oly

Snatch 5x3 @ 70%

Hang clean + PJ 5x2 @ 70%


B. Strength

Bench 4x8@60%


C. Saturday Suck Fest

For time

Run 1 mile, 50 burpee BJO (24/20), 50 KBS (53/35)

Run 1200m, 40 burpee BJO (24/20), 40 KBS (53/35)

Run 800m, 30 BBJO, 30 KBS

Run 400m, 20 BBJO, 20 KBS

Run 1 mile


D. Accessory

Single arm farmer carry 5x50'

Barbell curl 3x10

Banded tricep extension 3x20