Functional Fitness
Happy Independence Day. There has never been a harder group of men to serve this great country. Get after the work today. For the work capacity piece, you do the burpee box jumps overs every time you come off the bar. As long as you keep on the bar, you're gucci. Enjoy the rest day tomorrow, you guys have earned it.
A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.
A. Strength
DL - 8@70, 5@75, 8@72.5, 5 @ 77.5, 8@75, 5@ 80
B. Work Capacity
For time: 100 C2BPU, 15 min time cap
Every break, 10 burpee box jump over (24/20)
C. Metcon
Pistols, GHDSU
D. Gymnastics
For time: 300' HSW
Every break, row 25/20 cal
E. Accessory
BB Pendlay row 3x6 AHAP
Bottom up KB Press 3x10
Peg board ascents 3x2
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman