Functional Fitness
The weekend's here, homies. Get out and and enjoy today's training. Last session before the weekend. Hope everyone's week has yielded some good gains. We've got a nice deload week next week and then we're starting a new cycle of training focused mainly on strength development and work capacity development.
A is mandatory. Choose rest depending on feel.
A. Strength
OHS - Work up to heavy single (new max)
B. Work Capacity
For time: 200/150cal AAB
Every 1:00, including 0:00, 8 T2B
C. Interval
Run 6x800m, rest 2:00
Cmpare to week 7
D. Gymnastics
12 EMOM, alternating
15 GHDSU, 2 rope climbs, 25' handstand walk
E. Accessory
Banded face pull 3x20
BB overhead walking lunge 3x10 ea leg (95/65)
BB Good mroning 3x10
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman