Functional Fitness
9/11/2001. A day that everyone remembers, and can probably cite as a motivating factor for volunteering and signing that dotted line. Today's metcon isn't meant to be easy. It will take a long time. Do it for those who can't.
A. Oly
SN Complex (Hang SN + Full SN + 2 OHS) 5x2 @ 70%
B. Oly
SN Hi pull 5x3 @ 100%
C. Metcon
- 11 thruster (95/65)
- 11 box jump over (30/24)
- 11 Wall ball (30/20)
- 11 T2B
- 11 KBS (70/53)
- 11 burpee
- 11 Sumo DL high pull (95/65)
- 11 pull-up
- 11 HSPU
Cash out: 2001m row
D. Anaerobic conditioning
15 minute AAB for max cal
30 seconds on/30 seconds off
E. Accessory
Bottom up KB Press 3x10
Klokov press 3x8
Single arm landmine row 3x10
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman