Functional Fitness
If you thought that we would get rid of our Saturday Suck Fest's, you're sorely mistaken. Grab a buddy and grind through today's session. Only one person working at a time. Enjoy.
A. Strength
Tempo OHP (4441) 5x3 @ 70%
B. Saturday Suck Fest
Teams of two:
Run 1 mile carrying 20/14 medball
100 power clean (135/95)
200 cal row
300 wall ball (20/14)
400 DU
C. Strongman
Sandbag carry 5x100m AHAP
D. Accessory
Bench 3x5 @75%
BB bicep curl 3x15
Dip 3x15
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman