Functional Fitness
Hump Day. Hope everyone is enjoying the change of pace in programming. We’ll be continuing the same trends for the next several weeks. Get after it
A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses and time.
A. Oly
Front squat - Work up to heavy 3 rep max
B. Metcon
50' BB Overhead lunge (95/65), 10x squat SN (95/65), 10x HSPU
C. Metcon
10 single arm DB C+J (50/35), 10 pull-up, 50 DU
D. Work Capacity
AAB 4x5 AMRAP max cals, rest 2:00
E. Accessory
Paralette L-sit hold 3x:30s
Weighted pistols 3x8
Band face pull 3x20
Deload Option
A. Oly Pause DL (2 sec at knees) 4x6 @ 60%
B. Metcon
30/20 Cal AAB, 20x Burpee BJO (24/20), 30/20 Cal Row
C. Accessory
Bottom up KB Walk 3x100' ea arm
BB Upright row 3x10
Ring dip 3x15
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman