

Functional Fitness


Hope everyone had a chance to do 20.1 yesterday. If you want to re-test 20.1, you have two options:

  1. Train today, rest Sunday, re-do Monday

  2. Rest today, re-do Sunday, train Monday (potential re-do)

Both are good options, so it’s just up to you and how you want to approach re-do’s or just want to train.

Pick 1 of A/B. C/D mandatory.


A. Oly


C+J @ 80%

B. Strength

DL 4x5 touch and go

C. Metcon

0-15:00 - 5 RFT 10 front squats (135/95), 10 bar facing burpees, 10 box jumps (24/20)

15-30:00 - 21-15-9 DL (225/155), HSPU

30-UTC - 18-30-42 Pull-ups, pushups, pistols

D. Accessory

Band pull apart 3x20

Banded hip thrust 3x20

GHDSU 3x15


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Cronus Fit