Functional Fitness
Back to normal training. Good luck to those that are re-doing 20.2 today. For the rest of us, we’ve got normal training. I have a feeling we’ll see something like 16.4 this year, but maybe not. We will definitely have a row at some point, so make sure you’re getting your reps in.
A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.
A. Strength
10 EMOM 2 Back squat @75%
B. Accessory
Bulgarian split squat 3x10
BB good morning 3x15
Wall walk 3x5
C. Metcon
Open 16.4
55 DL (225/155)
55 Wall ball (20/14)
55 cal row
D. Work Capacity
Row 4x2k, rest 4:00
E. Gymnastics Accessory
Tempo strict C2BPU 4x5 (3333)
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman