Functional Fitness
Hopefully everyone had a chance to take a shot at 20.3 yesterday. If you’re doing 20.3 today, feel free to switch for yesterday’s workout. Otherwise, have fun on today’s metcon piece. Like 20.2, we’re practicing our ability to transition well. Shoot for consistent reps throughout the 3 rounds.
A. Oly
Clean complex (clean hi pull, hi hang clean, clean from ground) 4x2 @ 70%
B. Strength
Push press 4x4 @ 75%
C. Metcon
3 rounds, rest 5:00 between
5 AMRAP: 6 single arm DB hang clean and jerk (50/35), 6 pull-up, 6 T2B
Rest 1 min
3 AMRAP: max cal row
Rest 1 min
5 AMRAP: 6 burpee box jump over (24/20), 6 HSPU, 6 Devils Press (50/35)
D. Accessory
Sorenson hold 3x30s
Single arm DB row 3x20
DB Z-press 3x10
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman