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Functional Fitness


Welcome to the start of this year’s off-season cycle. We’re kicking it off with a 12 week hypertrophy block. For more info about the cycle, check out the podcast episode. All of the numbered exercises are meant to be done as a superset. So for A, you would do 10 front squats and then immediately go into 12 reverse lunges with minimal transition time. Keep rest periods short between supersets roughly 1-2 min. Everything on the program is pretty much normal for us.

Seriously, listen to the podcast episode to learn more about the intent behind this cycle.

A/B mandatory. Pick one from C/D/E. 


A. Hypertrophy

A1. BB front squat 4x10
A1. DB reverse lunge (ea leg) 4x12

B. Accessory

B1.. Single leg RDL 4x10
B1. Wall sit 4x30s
B2. Weighted pistols 4x10
B2. Banded hip thrust 4x20

C. Conditioning

Run 4 miles @ 70%

D. Work Capacity

For time:

150 WB (30/20)
Every break, 20/15 cal AAB

E. Gymnastics

15 EMOM (alternating)

15 C2BPU
30 second hanging L-sit hold
50 DU


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