Functional Fitness
Get after today’s suck fest. It’s a long 60 minute chipper. I would tell you to do A/B/C, but I also don’t want to murder you guys, so pick which pieces you want to do today. Have fun.
A. Saturday Suck Fest
60 AMRAP, wearing 20/14 vest
Run 800m
50 squats
40 DB box step ups (50/35 DB to 24/20" box)
30 pushups
20 pull-ups
10 manmakers (50/35)
B. Hypertrophy
A1. OHP 4x10
A1. Front plate raise 4x25
C. Accessory
B1. DB Curl 3x15
B1. BB Floor press 4x12
B2. Strict ring dip 4x10
B2. Banded face pull 4x20
D. Odd object
5 rounds, not for time
1 min sandbag weighted wall sit into 1 min sandbag bear hug hold
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman