Functional Fitness
Hump day. For the work capacity piece, pick weights that you can move through for a full minute. For the box overs, you’re essentially just getting over the box (think vault). No need to stand on the top of the box. Give yourself about 10-15 seconds between stations to transition.
A/B mandatory. Pick one from C/D/E.
A. Oly
A1. Touch and go power clean 5x5
A1. Handstand hold 5x:30s
B. Accessory
B1. Single leg RDL 3x10
B1. Bulgarian split squat 3x10
B2. Sumo deadlift 3x8
B2. Band pull aparts 3x25
C. Conditioning
Row/ski 5 rounds
2 min @ 70%
1 min @ 80%
30 seconds @ 90%+
2:30 recovery
D. Work Capacity
24 min EMOM, alternating (No measure. 15 sec transition between exercises)
DB/KB Turkish get ups
Burpee box over (48/40)
DB/KB Windmills
Sled push
E. Gymnastics
1 L-sit rope climb
20 pushups
30 WB (20/14)
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman