Functional Fitness
Grab a buddy for today’s Suck Fest. We’ve done something similar before, but between each buddy team, you are responsible for a 53/35 KB. You have to carry the KB the entire time during the workout. Feel free to split the reps however you want, but the KB cannot touch the ground. If it does, both partners must do a 25 burpee penalty.
A. Saturday Suck Fest
With a partner and a 53/35 KB. KB cannot touch the ground - 25 burpee penalty for both if it does. Someone must hold at all times.
Run 1 mile
100 strict pull-ups
200 T2B
Run 1 mile
300 wall ball (20/14)
400 DU
Run 1 mile
B. Hypertrophy
B1. BB Bench 4x8
B1. BB bent over row 4x1
C. Accessory
C1. BB curl 4x12
C1. Feet elevated pushup 4x15
C1. Banded face pull 4x20
D. Odd object
Yoke carry 5x100' AHAP
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman