Functional Fitness
Today’s motto is to “get wide”. Lots of back and shoulder work. For the gymnastics piece, choose a challenging rep goal and go up/down based on how you feel and how comfortable you are.
A/B mandatory. Pick one from C/D/E.
A. Hypertrophy
A1. Chin up 4x10 (add weight if needed)
A1. BB Bent over row 4x12
B. Accessory
B1. Standing DB neutral grip press 4x10
B1. Clapping push-ups 4x12
B1. Banded face pull 4x20
C. Conditioning
Row/ski 5x1k, light pull 2 min between
D. Work Capacity
5 rounds, not for time
100' trap bar farmers carry
10 wall walks
10 strict pull-ups
E. Gymnastics
3-5 unbroken ring MU
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman