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Functional Fitness


For today’s Suck Fest, split the reps as needed but run together. For the man makers, you’ll do a pushup, row, row, clean, front squat, overhead. Feel free to combine into a squat clean thruster (cluster) if desired.


A. Strength

BB incline bench press 4x8

B. Accessory

BB floor press 3x12
Weighted dip 3x10
BB curl 3x12

C. Saturday Suck Fest

For time
With partner, split reps as needed, run together
Run 1 mile
100 DB man maker (50/35)
Run 1 mile with 20/14 wallball
100 burpee pull up
Run 1 mile with 35/24 KB


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman