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Functional Fitness


For our conditioning piece, we’ve got a Fartlek run. Pretty much, the goal is to vary the pace and intensity throughout the run at random intervals and distances. To put it in simple terms, run hard for 20-30 seconds every 1-2 minutes.


A. Strength

A1. Single arm tempo floor press (3131) 4x10 (ea arm)
A1. Banded push up 4x20
A1. Banded tricep pushdown 4x20

B. Conditioning

30 min Fartlek run
Every 1-2 minutes, go hard for 25-50m and then recover between

C. Metcon

4x4 AMRAP, rest 2:00 between
20 DB shoulder to overhead (2x50/35's)
20 sit-ups
20 lateral burpee over DB


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