Functional Fitness
The goal for the interval piece is unbroken bar work. Feel free to scale the weight so that you can do the movements unbroken. Scale the reps for the gymnastics piece appropriate for your capacity.
A. Oly
Clean and jerk complex (clean hi pull, hi hang clean, jerk, low hang clean, jerk) 5x2
B. Accessory
Reverse hyper 3x12
DB Z-press 3x8
Banded face pull 3x20
C. Conditioning
30 min E10MOM (3 rounds)
2k row
D. Interval
25 min E5MOM (5 rounds)
20/16 cal row
10 power clean (135/95)
20/16 cal row
10 push press (135/95)
E. Gymnastics
12 EMOM, alternating
6-10 strict HSPU
4-6 bar muscle up
14-20 pistols
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