Functional Fitness
For the gymnastics piece, the goal is to do the complex unbroken, so stay on the bar for all reps. Scale accordingly.
A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.
A. Hypertrophy
A1. OHP 4x8
A1. Weighted plate front raise 4x15
B. Accessory
B1. Snatch grip push press 4x6
B1. Landmine cauldron 4x10 ea direction
B2. Bottom up KB press 3x12
B2. DB reverse fly 3x12
C. Conditioning
30 EMOM, alternating
15/12 cal row
3 wall walk
12 box jump over (24/20)
D. Work Capacity
200m run
10 deadlift (225/155)
200m run
10 pull up
10 ring dip
E. Gymnastics
5 rounds, not for time (goal is unbroken)
5-8 T2B
5-8 pull-up
5-8 C2BPU
5-8 bar MU
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