Functional Fitness
Week 9 of our COVID programming. As mentioned on the Q&A last week, we’ll transition back to normal programming on June 1 with a no/low metcon option. This week will be concentrating on Murph prep to prep for Memorial Day Murph next week. The metcon today is meant to practice managing large sets of squats so that you can practice pacing. Same deal with the conditioning piece. Figure out how to break up the large sets and minimize your rests.
A. Strength
A1. Tabata goblet squat
A2. Weighted pistol 4x10 (ea leg)
A2. Single leg RDL 4x12 (ea leg)
A2. Banded good morning 4x20
B. Metcon
20 KB Swing (70/53)
30 air squat
C. Conditioning
For time:
200 pushups
Every 2:00 including 0:00, run 200m
#covid19 #cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman