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Functional Fitness


23.1 is a repeat of 14.1. This is a fairly gymnastics heavy workout that focuses on your efficiency and cycling ability. The muscle ups will be the “key” for this workout. For the row, start off at a manageable pace - probably around your 2k row pace as 60c ~ 750m. For toes to bar, mangeable sets without burning out is key as you don’t want to be exhausted when you get to the muscle ups. Wallballs - 1 or 2 sets. For the cleans, quick singles will probably be the easiest/most efficient strategy. Give your all on the muscle ups and try to finish - you’ll be able to rack up more reps after you complete the chipper and start back up on the row.


A. 23.1

60 cal row
50 toes to bar
40 wallball (20/14)
30 clean (135/95)
20 muscle ups


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