Functional Fitness
The usual work pieces for today’s conditioning. The metcon is a longer couplet. Play around with pacing and cycling speed on your thrusters.
A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.
A. Oly
3 position hang clean + jerk (hi hang, knees, low hang + jerk) 5x1
B. Accessory
Push press 5x3
I/Y/T 3x10
Pendlay row 3x8
C. Conditioning
2-3-4-5-4-3-2 min, rest 1:00 between intervals
D. Interval
10 RFT
16/12 cal AAB
8 thruster (95/65)
E. Gymnastics
5 rounds for quality (rest as needed)
8 strict C2BPU
8 strict T2B
20 pistols
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman