Functional Fitness
For today’s Suck Fest, one partner will be doing the farmer carry while the other works on the chipper. Keep moving and chipping away.
A. Strength
OHP 1x3@ 70%, 1x3@80%, 1x3+@90%
B. Saturday Suck Fest
For time with partner
Partner 1: 200m farmer carry (2x35/20's)
100 devils press (50/35)
100 burpee pullup
100 sandbag over shoulder (100/75)
100 strict pullup
C. Strongman
Zercher carry 5x100'
D. Accessory
BB Bench 3x8
Barbell curl 3x12
Ring dip 3x12
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman