Functional Fitness
We’ve gone gassers before. As a reminder, you’re going to run a 50m length down and back 3 times (6 total lengths). The frequent turns add a significant amount of fatigue to the legs.
A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.
A. Strength
Tempo Deadlift (X221) 5x3
B. Accessory
BB RDL + shrug 3x10
BB curl 3x12
Banded hip thrust 3x20
C. Conditioning
30 min E3MOM (10 rounds)
300m gasser (50m lengths)
D. Metcon
6 sandbag clean over shoulder (150/100)
12 sandbag box step over (150/100 over 24/20)
24 cal row
E. Gymnastics
10 min handstand walk work
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