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Functional Fitness


Happy Friday crew. The metcon is a heavy take on Jackie. Push the pace on the interval piece and take advantage of the rest time.

A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.


A. Oly

12 min E2MOM (6 rounds)
3 position hang clean (hi, knees, low)
Work up to heavy complex

B. Accessory

BB RDL + Shrug 3x10
Landmine single arm press 3x12 ea arm
Landmine cauldron 3x10 ea side

C. Metcon

For time
2k row
30 thrusters (135/95)
20 C2BPU

D. Interval

3 rounds, rest 3:00 between
15-12-9 ground to overhead (115/75)
Bar facing burpees

E. Conditioning

20 min E2MOM, wearing 20/14 vest
20 air squats
10 burpees


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman