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Functional Fitness


For the conditioning pieces, we’ll always include a running option if the prescribed piece is a machine. As a general rule of conversions: 500m row : 400m run : 40c AAB : 50 lunges. We’ll include the running conversions for this week until you guys get more used to it and then we’ll just program the prescribed piece. I included lunges within the conversions if running starts becoming too monotonous, or the volume starts getting to you.


A. Strength

4 rounds
10 strict pull-ups
10 single bent over row (ea arm)
20 banded pull aparts
20 banded curls

B. Conditioning

Row/ski 3x2k, rest 2:00
Run 3x1 mile, rest 2:00

C. Metcon

48 DU
12 thruster


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