

Functional Fitness


Happy Friday. We’ve got several pieces to choose from that will test you. Get after today’s training and enjoy the weekend. We’ve got our Saturday Suck Fest tomorrow for your enjoyments.

A/B mandatory. Pick one from C/D/E.


A. Hypertrophy

A1. Trap bar DL 4x12
A1. Wall sit 4x:30s

B. Accessory

B1. Weighted pistol 4x10
B1. Strict chin up 4x8
B1. Banded hip bridge 4x20

C. Conditioning

25 min E5MOM (5 rounds)
50 air squats
Run 400m
Rest walk remainder

D. Work Capacity

10 RFT (20 min cap)

9 thruster (95/65)
9 bar facing burpees
35 DU

E. Gymnastics

4x3 AMRAP, rest 2:00

15 T2B
15 KB Swing (70/53)
15 KBS (70/53)
15 pull up


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Cronus Fit