Functional Fitness
Happy Monday. Like we mentioned last week, we’re going to do a test week this week to get some baseline strength numbers. Work up to a heavy single/max for the day and record that. That number will be the baseline for all our strength work coming up in the next couple months as part of our strength cycle. The other conditioning work this week won’t be very intense, so take the pieces at your own pace.
The thrusters should be unbroken for the metcon. Use the run as a “rest” to cycle some of that lactate out of your legs. Aim for repeatable splits on the 800’s, so don’t go out too hard on the first one. For the gymnastics piece, have a good strategy on pull-ups. DU’s and squat’s are pretty much the time to “rest” your arms for pulling.
A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.
A. Strength
Work up to 1RM Backsquat
B. Accessory
BB RDL 3x12
Tempo Goblet squat (4341) 3x5
Strict C2BPU 3x8
C. Metcon
Run 200m
15 thruster (75/55)
D. Conditioning
Run 4x800m
Goal is consistent pacing
E. Gymnastics
100 DU
50 air squat
25 pull-ups
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