
Functional Fitness


Today’s Suck Fest is deceptive. It’s “only” 3 different movements, but they will tax your body. It is a true test of your work capacity and ability to tolerate load over distance. Stay steady on your pacing and keep chipping away at the work. It’ll end eventually.


A. Strength

Work up to 1RM OHP

B. Saturday Suck Fest

For time (wearing 20/14 vest)
1 mile run
100 burpee pull-ups
1 mile run
100 squat clean thruster (135/95)
1 mile run

C. Strongman

Yoke carry 5x100'

D. Accessory

Bench 3x6

Fat bar curl 3x15

Banded tricep push down 3x20


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Cronus Fit