Functional Fitness
For the trap bar jumps in the work capacity piece, don’t go for maximal height. We want you to get a couple inches off the ground as the goal is to move quick. Pick a sandbag weight that’s challenging. Get after it.
A/B mandatory. Pick one from C/D/E.
A. Hypertrophy
A1. Pendlay row 4x10
A1. Strict C2BPU 4x8 (weight optional)
B. Accessory
B1. Bottom up KB Press 4x10 ea arm
B1. Unsupported single arm DB row 4x10
B1. Banded pull aparts 4x20
C. Conditioning
20 E2MOM (10 rds)
Sprint 100, recovery walk remainder
D. Work Capacity
5 rounds, not for time
10 trap bar weighted jump (~50% 1RM backsquat)
200' trap bar farmer carry
10 sandbag over shoulder
200' sandbag carry
E. Gymnastics
Burpee bar MU
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman