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Functional Fitness


Happy Valentine’s day. Our Saturday suck fest will be a partner workout, so plan ahead now. More of the same style of training. Since we’re doing more volume this cycle, recovery will be key as we keep adding volume into the cycle.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Hypertrophy

A1. BB OHP 4x10
A1. Plate front raise 4x25

B. Accessory

B1. BB upright row 3x10
B1. DB Z-press 3x10
B2. Ring row 3x12
B2.Banded face pull 3x20

C. Conditioning

4 rounds for max reps
2:00 row
1:30 AAB
1:00 burpee box jump over (24/20)
1:30 rest

D. Work Capacity

8 rounds, not for time
100' DB weighted walking lunge (2x 50/35's)
8 devils press (50/35)
8 strict pull up


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman