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Functional Fitness


Happy Monday. Check out the new swag if you haven’t already. This is the 3rd week of the 5/3/1 minicycle. Go for as many reps as you can on the squats. The goal is 5+. Next week is gonna get heavier, so get ready. For the conditioning piece, no rest in between movements. Try and stay consistent on each round. For the metcon, try to do quick singles for the squat cleans, and 1-2 sets for the S2O. For the AMRAP, just get into a good pace and try and hold on. The rest periods are long enough to give yourself a decent rest in between.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.


A. Strength

BS 1x5@ 75%, 1x3@85%, 1x1+@95%

B. Accessory

Deficit BB RDL + shrug 3x10
BB front rack rear lunge 3x12 (ea leg)
Strict pullup 3x10 (weight optional)

C. Conditioning

40 min E5MOM for max cals (alternating)
5 min row
5 min AAB

D. Metcon

8 squat clean (135/95)
30 DU
12 shoulder to overhead (135/95)
30 DU

E. Interval

3x6 AMRAP, rest 3:00 between
9 DB thruster (50/35's)
6 DB box step over (2x50/35's over 24/20 box)
3 devils press (50/35's)


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