Functional Fitness
Today’s Suck Fest is a “couplet” of running and barbell work, except both get heavier as you go. Split the reps as needed between your partner. Expect to slow down about halfway through the chipper. Enjoy
A mandatory. B/C/D optional.
A. Saturday Suck Fest
With a partner, split work as needed
50 thruster (95/65)
Run 1 mile
50 power Snatch (135/95)
Run 1 mile with 20/14 wall ball
50 power clean and jerk (185/125)
Run 1 mile with 35/20 KB
50 front squat (from the ground, 225/165)
Run 1 mile with 50/35 sandbag
50 deadlift (315/215)
B. Hypertrophy
B1. Push press 4x8
B1. I/Y/T 4x10
C. Accessory
C1. DB Hammer curl 4x15
C1. BB Curl 4x10
C2. Banded tricep pushdown 4x20
C2. Banded face pull 4x20
D. Odd object
5 rounds, not for time
Sled push 5x100m, AHAP
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman