
Functional Fitness


Grab a partner for today’s Suck Fest. One partner will run a 400m while the other chips away at the reps. Keep moving.


A. Strength

Bench 1x3@ 70%, 2x3@80%, 1x3+@90%

B. Saturday Suck Fest

For time with a partner
Partner A: Run 400m
100 burpee pull ups
100 squat clean thruster (95/65)
100 sandbag box step over (100/75 over 24/20)
100 sandbag ground to overhead

C. Strongman

Zercher carry 5x100' AHAP

D. Accessory

BB floor press 3x12
Weighted dip 3x10
EZ bar curl 3x15


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Cronus Fit