
Functional Fitness


RDL’s will be our pulling movement this cycle to develop the posterior chain. You might feel pretty sore if your posterior chain is weaker relative to anterior.

A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.


A. Strength

RDL 1x5@ 65%, 2x5@75%, 1x5+@85%

B. Accessory

Single arm DB/KB row 3x12 (ea arm)
BB good morning 3x8
Banded paloff press 3x20 (ea direction)

C. Conditioning

30 min E3MOM (10 rounds)
Row/ski 500m

D. Metcon

8 deadlift (275/185)
16 pistol
200m run

E. Interval

6 rounds for time, rest 1:00 between
15 hang power clean (135/95)
12 front squat (135/95)
9 front rack rear lunge (ea leg, 135/95)
6 bar facing burpees


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Cronus Fit