
Functional Fitness


Today is a lot of pressing/overhead work. Make sure you guys are doing the accessory work as a prehab to prevent overtraining injuries. For the gymnastics piece, climb the ladder as far as you can go, and then rest as needed between rounds.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.


A. Oly

Snatch 1x3@60%, 1x3@70%, 2x3 @ 80%, 3x3@85%

B. Accessory

BB RDL + Shrug 3x12
Bottom up KB press 3x10 (ea arm)
Banded face pull 3x20

C. Conditioning

AAB 4x100/75 cals, rest 3:00

D. Interval

6 rounds, rest 1:1
50 DU
8 squat clean (115/85)
50 DU
8 thruster (115/85)
50 DU
8 squat snatch (115/85)

E. Gymnastics

4 rounds, rest as needed between sets
Unbroken strict HSPU
Unbroken kipping HSPU


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Cronus Fit