
Functional Fitness


Grab a partner for today’s suck fest. It’s a mix of Cindy and a farmer hold. It’ll be grip heavy.


A. Saturday Suck Fest

For time, with partner
40 RFT
5 strict pull up
10 push up
15 air squat

One personn work, other person farmer carry hold 2x 53/35

B. Hypertrophy

B1. BB bench 4x8
B1. Strict ring dip 4x8-12

C. Accessory

C1. DB Hammer curl 4x12
C1. DB floor press 4x10
C1. Strict T2B 4x10

D. Odd object

Zercher carry 5x100' AHAP


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit