Functional Fitness
Happy Saturday crew. Grab a buddy for today’s suck fest. You’ll be alternating between the row and the AMRAP. For the manmakers, you’ll be doing a pushup, row, pushup, row, squat clean, thruster. Try and push the pace on the burpee pull ups and try and recover on the row.
A. Strength
Bench 1x3@ 70%, 2x3@80%, 1x3+@90%
B. Saturday Suck Fest
Partner workout
For time: 300 burpee pullups
Partner 1: Row 500m
Partner 2: 3 wall walk
6 DB Manmakers (35/20)
AMRAP burpee pull ups
C. Strongman
Zercher carry 5x100'
D. Accessory
BB floor press 3x12
Banded tricep pushdown 3x20
Banded bicep curl 3x20
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman