Functional Fitness
As we mentioned on last week’s podcast, today’s Suck Fest is dedicated to the memory of SFC Christopher Celiz. KIA July 12, 2018.
One more for the Airborne Ranger in the sky.
A. Strength
OHP 1x5@ 75%, 1x3@85%, 1x1+@95%
B. Saturday Suck Fest
Run 1 mile in kit (45/25)
30 clean and jerk (225/175)
30 backsquat (275/205)
30 deadlift (315/235)
Run 1 mile in kit (45/25)
C. Strongman
Farmer carry 5x100' AHAP
D. Accessory
BB floor press 3x10
DB hammer curl 3x12
Banded tricep press 3x20
#covid19 #cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman