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Functional Fitness


Several good pieces to choose from today between C/D/E. They’re similar but will test you in different ways. You should be pushing the pace on the conditioning piece and shoot for 45 seconds of work each round.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D/E.


A. Strength

Deadlift 1x5@ 65%, 2x5@75%, 1x5+@85%

B. Accessory

BB good morning 3x12
Bulgarian split squat 3x10 (ea leg)
Strict T2B 3x10

C. Conditioning

20 EMOM, alternating
8 thruster (95/65), 8 bar facing burpees
15/12 cal AAB

D. Metcon

200m run
10 T2B
10 shoulder to overhead (95/65, 115/75, 135/95, 155/105, 175/115)

E. Interval

15 AMRAP, rest :45 between rounds
4 bar MU
8 burpee box jump over (24/20)
12 power snatch (95/65)


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