
Functional Fitness


Similar to last week, we’ll be starting our “strength” pieces with a pre-exhaustion movement. This week, we’ll be doing Tabata’s. A Tabata is 8 rounds of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off. There’s a good app for your phone if you need it - SmartWOD Timer. To Tabata’s correctly, you have to go as hard as you can for those 20 seconds. Your reps will decrease per round if you do it correctly.


A. Strength

A1. Tabata jump lunges
A2. Goblet 1.5 squats 4x20
A2. Single leg RDL 4x12 (ea)
A2. Banded hip thrust 4x :30s hold

B. Metcon

4x5 AMRAP, rest 2:00 between (reset each round)
Run 400m into
20 single arm DB/KB thruster (50, switch as needed)
20 alternating DB/KB snatch
20 lateral burpees over DB/KB

C. Conditioning

Row/ski 8x1k, rest 2:00


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Cronus Fit