Functional Fitness
Nothing special or crazy on the program for today. Hopefully you guys are all taking this opportunity to get really good at running.
A. Strength
A1. Tabata pushups
A2. Single arm DB/KB Z-press 4x12
A2. Weighted upright row 4x15
A2. Banded pull aparts 4x25
B. Metcon
10 RFT
5 strict HSPU
10 single arm DB/KB push press (50/35, alternate at 5)
20 DB/KB goblet squat (50/35)
C. Conditioning
3 rounds, rest 5:00 between rounds
Run 200m, 400m, 200m, 800m rest 1:00 between
#covid19 #cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman